Game Programmer's Tutorial

Welcome to GamesByEmail's Game Programmer's Tutorial. Here you can learn to build games on the GamesByEmail foundation classes from start to finish. You will start with a simple HTML page and piece by piece, turn it into a Tic-Tac-Toe game that is completely compatable with the GamesByEmail system.

Each part shows you the list of files you should have at the beginning and the end in the "Prerequisites" and "Aftermath" lists. You can view the file contents by clicking on the link, and you can compare and changes side by side by clicking on the icon.

You can skip to any part or back here by hovering the cursor over the "Menu", and chosing a part in a section. There is also an option on the menu to turn the page header off.

The tutorial can be run from the web, but it can also be downloaded in a zip file, then installed and run locally. The zip file is 1.6MB, and the installation size is about 4MB. To install locally, follow these steps:

  1. Create a folder somewhere on your hard drive. I recommend \GBE\Tutorial because you will need to create a GBE folder somewhere anyway.
  2. Open, and extract its contents to the Tutorial folder you just created.
  3. Open Tutorial\Default.htm in a web browser.

I can also send you a CD with the tutorial, and you can run it from the disk. Just send your mailing address to

Please disable any popup-blockers for this site. The tutorial opens some windows, and blockers might interfere with this. There are no popup ads anywhere on this site.

Here are some useful links:
Microsoft HTML/DHTML Reference.
Microsoft JScript Language Reference.
Microsoft JScript String Object.
Microsoft JScript Regular Expression Syntax.

Although I have run through this tutorial myself a few times, it is not the same as being new to it all. If any part seems vague, or not quite right, or you need any help at all, do not hesitate to contact me using the information provided below.

I am anxious to help. If you have any questions, comments or rants, feel free to contact me by email:

All contents and scripts copryright © 2003-2005,